Pack War [City Wolves 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 12
A groan from behind announced Marcus’s attempt to stand. Farrell closed the distance between them and smashed his fist into the man’s chin. He folded and dropped to the floor, out cold and unable to see Farrell dancing about clutching his fist.
“Guy’s like a fucking rock.”
He headed back over to the chains and used the picks to unlock one of the working padlocks, then manhandled Gabriel into the chair. He locked him in place, then picked up the contract and flicked through the pages before handing it to Ethan.
“Quite the contract, that,” he said to Ethan. “No doubt entirely legally binding with not one single loophole.”
Ethan nodded as he skimmed it. “Handing over my bar, the stock, my properties.” He shook his head. “Even my home.”
“So what happens now?” Gabriel asked, his face still a picture of calm. “You torture me?”
“Torture?” Ethan smiled. “Do I look like a scumbag?” He tore the contract in half. “No, I have another plan. You see, before I was so rudely abducted from my office, I called up an old friend in the police force. They’d never heard of your name, but when I sent a photo they became very excited.” Gabriel’s face fell. “Turns out you’re wanted in five countries for quite the rap sheet of misdemeanors.”
Gabriel scowled at Ethan and strained against his chains. “You think a prison will hold a Were?”
Farrell patted the man on his shoulder. “A Were, no. A mutt like you, though? Easy.”
Ethan walked over to a pile of clothes by a pillar and began to pull them on. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a pack to run.”
Chapter Fifteen
Victor ran along the narrow forest track after the fleeting figure ahead. His muscles ached, and his lungs screamed, but still he fought to run harder. The track swerved off and down a steep slope, and he leapt down the first half and barely managed to stay on his feet for the second. Still the figure in front was ahead and accelerating away. He called out but only heard a laugh in response. Gritting his teeth he put his head down and pushed every last ounce of energy into his legs.
By the time he reached the small stream, every inch of his body hurt. He collapsed to the ground and gulped in air.
“So, did I win?”
Victor rolled onto his back and looked up to find Farrell sat on the lower limb of a tree. If he was in the least bit tired from the race, he didn’t show it. With a lazy yawn, he rolled off the back of the branch, flipped in the air, and landed on his feet. Victor sat up and nodded, a grin wide on his face.
“Yeah, you won. And I’m never challenging you to a race again.”
Farrell grinned back and helped him up then kissed him softly on the lips. “That’s my prize.”
The pair walked to a clear patch of grass and sat as Victor recovered. The wound in his neck was long healed, as were the broken ribs. That night would stay in his memory for a long time though, he thought.
He’d managed to get Paul away from the warehouse and into a hospital, and then had called the pack in. By the time they’d arrived at the scene with Victor, though, it was all over. Farrell had emerged with Ethan, Gabriel and Marcus bound tight in chains, looking every inch the heroes.
That had been a month ago, and things had mostly settled down again. Gabriel had been locked up, thanks to a list of crimes longer than his arm, and it turned out that Marcus was wanted, too, and was awaiting extradition. Victor had no clue how they intended to keep that one locked up.
Ethan, Paul, and Avani all recovered just fine, and all had taken back their respective roles in the pack. Ethan had even recruited some of the members of Gabriel’s old pack, though they were being very closely watched. The rest had scattered to the winds. A week later Farrell and Victor had said their good-byes and headed for their trip around the world.
So far they had travelled to Germany, Egypt, Spain, and the British Isles, and that was only the beginning. They spent equal amounts of time in human and wolf forms, and Farrell seemed to be slowly increasing the time spent in the latter. As much as Victor was unsure about that part, he was growing to enjoy his time spent running with foreign wolf packs, or just exploring the world on four legs. He could see why Farrell loved it so much.
Speaking of love, there was no doubt in Victor’s mind that his and Farrell’s relationship was serious, now. If he was honest with himself, it always had been to him. It was great to find out that Farrell had felt exactly the same, too. They were in love with each other, and had no intention of going their separate ways. The days of it being a casual thing were long gone.
Victor lay back in the long grass and let out a contented breath. Finally he got to spend all the time he wanted with the man he loved.
“So, what do you think of Ireland?” Farrell asked as he lay back beside Victor.
“Beautiful. The best place so far.”
“Of course. It’s my home town. It has to be wonderful.”
Victor laughed. “So, where next?”
Farrell shrugged. “I was thinking either Italy or Antarctica. Any preference?”
“Well, I do love pizza. Though I would like to see an arctic wolf pack, too.”
“Methinks the wolf life is growing on you.”
“Definitely.” Victor glanced at the trail. “Does anyone come down this track much?”
“Nah, it’s too far out for tourists and most walkers. We’ve got the place to ourselves.”
Victor rolled onto his side. “Really?” He slid his hand down Farrell’s pants. “Now what on earth could two men in love do in a deserted patch of heaven…”
Farrell laughed and kissed Victor again. “I’m sure we’ll think of something…”
JC lives in the south of England and spends the free hours of each day reading, writing, and indulging various other hobbies, in the company of Tuna the cat. JC has been writing for several years now and refuses to acknowledge proper house attire or people who say things like “When are you getting a real job?” and “Can I be in your next book?”
For all titles by JC Holly, please visit
Siren Publishing, Inc.